Keep Jackson Beautiful Month is an opportunity to honor our planet and take proactive steps to care for it. We encourage both individuals and groups to participate in our events or to initiate your own cleanup or environmental activities within your community.
We warmly invite all residents of Jackson to join us and Keep America Beautiful in the Great American Cleanup, which is the nation’s largest community improvement initiative. This program has consistently expanded in strength, scope, and community involvement. Each year, over 5 million volunteers join forces in more than 20,000 communities nationwide, creating a significant movement and fostering visible improvements in local neighborhoods. Clean-up, planting, and painting events will take place throughout our city from March 20th to June 20th.
Our efforts would be incomplete without your participation. If you and your neighborhood are interested in joining, please complete the volunteer form, and we will reach out to you. Participation in these events also qualifies for community service hours, and certificates will be provided for those who require them.
Join Keep Jackson Beautiful as we strive to keep America beautiful, one city at a time.
Month's Activities
​April 1st
9AM – 12PM
2025 Keep Jackson Beautiful Month Kickoff
Jackson State University Athletics Dept
We will meet at check points through out the city
for more information: contact@keepjacksonbeautiful.com
8:30 AM Volunteer Registration/ Sites Sign Up
9:00 AM Kickoff Cleanup Begins
11:55 AM Check-in Cleanup Supplies
12:00 PM Lunch – Dismissal
Cleaning: picking up trash on the streets and in the park
Painting: repaint bridge and fire hydrants
Drains: cleaning out drains, gutters and curbs
Tree/limb removal: cut back trees, move limbs that have been cut up
Planting: installing an entry sign and garden by planting bushes and flowers for pollinators
​​​April 16th
9AM – 12PM
This date is open at this time​
8:30 AM Volunteer Registration
9:00 AM Cleanup Begins
11:55 AM Check-in Cleanup Supplies
12:00 noon- Collect data for cleanup
Cleaning: removing litter, debris and any other environmental pollutants from the area
April 19th
8AM – 3PM
City of Jackson's Roll-off Dumpster Day
Metrocenter Mall (Old Dillard’s parking lot)
3645 Highway 80
Acceptable Items
Residents may bring all household furniture, small appliances and accessories for disposal. However, tires, chemicals and gas tanks are not accepted in Roll-Off Dumpster program. Participants are required to place debris inside dumpster provided at the location.
Non-Acceptable Items
However, tires, chemicals, gas tanks, paint and large appliances (refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, stoves, hot water heaters, dishwashers and AC units are not accepted in Roll-Off Dumpster program.
The City is asking residents not to leave debris at the location if the dumpster is not available.
For more information about Roll-Off Dumpster Day and other Solid Waste programs, contact the City of Jackson at 601-960-0000 or visit the website at http://www.jacksonms.gov/.

Earth Day
Earth Day Poster Contest
We are looking for creative posters that emphasize Earth Day! This is a day to celebrate our environment: air, water, land, wildlife, and ecosystems! The posters must represent one or more Earth Day themes. Posters will be judged on their artistic merits and on how well they conveyed the message that having healthy, sustainably produced school food is good for students and good for the planet. Will present to winners at their school.
The 1st place winner will receive $100
The 2nd place winner will receive $50
The 3rd place winner will receive $25
To Participate click here for more information.
Tougaloo Community and various Neighborhoods through out the city ​
Earth Day
Planting Flowers, Trees, and Beautifying Jackson
10 AM – 3 PM
​​​​​April 23th
9AM – 3pm
Cigarette Receptacle Giveaway
We have over 100 cigarette receptacles to giveaway to business, es , churches, and organizations. These receptacle are metal, sleek, and can be mounted anywhere.
For more information on how to obtain your free cigarette receptacle give us a call today 601-953-1123.